by Luis DH
For most artists, songs and albums are like snapshots of periods of time and their lives at those moments. Creating and expressing yourself can be both a healing and a learning experience – to know more about yourself and the world around you.
Last year I went through the worst and messiest breakup ever. I saw things I thought I would never see. I got to witness the ugliest part of human nature, and it was truly heartbreaking – and the ultimate test in life.
But I survived.
And I decided to express all those feelings through songs.
This is the story behind every track on my latest album, “メタポップ (Metapop).”
Listen to the album while reading the text.
01. Let The Games Begin
When you write about personal experiences, you need to make it interesting for the listener. Real life events can be, well, boring. With songs, you’re creating a fictional story from those real-life events. This is why the album is called METAPOP and why this song is like an intro to all that. You hear city sounds, sirens… and an invitation to enter the world of METAPOP and forget about real life for an hour.
02. Words (Lost & Found)
Dance music is traditionally all about taking your problems to the dance floor and sweat them all away. This is a classic house dance track with a 90s feel and kind of a second intro for the album. “We’re healing together through music, come with me.”
03. Back To Me
As a songwriter, I believe the most important thing is being brave and honest with your music. People always connect to real feelings, and if you fake it, it shows. This song is as real as it gets. And that can be – and it is – scary. But it’s always worth it: “Back To Me” became my most streamed track ever. It’s funny how something good can come out of something that bad – but life is funny, isn’t it?
04. Make A Lotta Love
This was the last track I wrote and recorded for the album. I was done with the whole thing, but I felt something was missing. I wrote “I’ve opened my eyes, now I realize” and then the whole song. I knew it was the missing piece and then METAPOP was complete. It was me finding the light after the dark. Writing is always exciting: it’s like magic, and you have to be open to the whole experience. I feel this could be a great single.
05. Bien Dentro
With this album, I wanted to work with new sounds I’ve never used before, and the mood and themes allowed me to do that. This a chill & trap track in Spanish. It’s funny how some people may think of it as a sexual song but to me; it’s deeper than that. It’s all about loss, lust, and darkness. It’s about feeling dead but coming to life again. And being at war with yourself – just my state of mind when I wrote it.
06. What You Want From Me
This is one of my faves. I love the innocence and the whole vibe. I adore the song “Same Old Mistakes” by Tame Impala (later covered by Rihanna on her “ANTI” album), and this reminds me of that track. The chorus is super simple but sometimes “easy” is difficult to achieve. Don’t be afraid to keep it simple if you feel it works.
07. Super Tú
I always like to have a couple of acoustic songs on my albums: me and a guitar. In this album, I’ve included lyrics in English, Spanish, Catalan, and French. This is one of the Spanish songs (“Super You” in English), and it’s about empowering yourself – or the people around you. I think it’s quite beautiful.
08. All I Really Want
Some songs and lyrics really speak for themselves, and this is one of them. I wanted to write about what true, unconditional love means to me. Closer to the “truth,” whatever that is. It was like a future love song when I wrote it. It features some of my favorites lyrics on the album, such as “I would like to give you a thousand suns.” I love how it sounds.
09. Invisible
I got the idea for the title from a friend and then brought it to my own life and drama. I was OBSESSED with “Solo” by Clean Bandit and Demi Lobato when I wrote it and wanted to incorporate a similar sound and mood to my album. The music is very commercial and uplifting, but the lyrics are quite sad – that’s always a great juxtaposition.
10. Found A Cure
I had several “revelations” during the making of METAPOP. Some of them are on this album – and others I keep them to myself. “Found A Cure” is about all that: not letting bad situations turning you into something or someone you’re not. You can’t control what happens to you – but you can control how you deal with it.
11. Comadonia
One night, I had a dream about a place called “Comadonia.” When I woke up and looked for it, of course, I didn’t find anything about it: it simply doesn’t exist. I took it as another of my revelations, and I decided to write a song about it. Everything in my dream is now in this track. It’s me saying goodbye to several things and making peace with myself.
12. Fantastique (Fantàstic)
This is a song in Catalan and French (the French part is spoken by one of my best friends). It’s incredibly sad. The retro 80s Italo-disco sound contributes to that mood. It’s the last of the sad songs on the album and after this everything goes UP.
13. Brillo
I grew up with Japanese manga, and I’ve always wanted to do a J-Pop track, kind of like an anime opening theme or something like that. This is a bold track about those people who think they’re gonna take advantage of you in your darkest hour – but you see them coming anyway. It follows the saddest song on METAPOP, so it’s a good balance. It’s also the most “WTF” moment on the record; I love to include those on every album.
14. You + Me
For some reason, I always come back to 70s, disco, funk sounds. It comes very naturally to me; I don’t know why. “You + Me” is one of those songs. It’s soft and sexy, and I decided to make it the 1st single of METAPOP cause it’s very similar to some other songs I released before. I wanted to save the new sounds for later on. AND I needed to have fun in the middle of all the drama.
15. Wonderlust
“Wonderlust” means “the desire to be in a constant state of wonder” but also that moment when you like someone, and you don’t know if it’s lust or love. And all that is what makes us feel alive. The end of the album is all about healing and embracing light and love again.
16. Let The Music Play
This is coming full circle with the themes of tracks number 1 and 2: no matter what’s wrong, let the music save you and heal you. It’s a timeless melody and production and a basically a feel good song. I was inspired by “Ever Again,” the last track on Robyn’s album “Honey” – I love that song and its message: whatever happened, I learned from it, and I won’t let it happen again – or, if it happens, I’ll know how to deal with it better!
17. Metapop
Kind of a like a reprise. It’s all about balance: I wanted to finish the album with something more intriguing. The church organ sound and the spoken French lyrics are perfect for that. I don’t like “outro” as a concept, but it could be something like that.
メタポップ (Metapop)”, the new album is now available on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music and everywhere.
Luis DH
Luis DH, Category: Artist, Albums: Metapop, Afterlife, Change (Afterlife), Popnography, Vol. 1 (Hits Don’t Lie, Songs 2008-2018), Popnography, Vol. 2 (Hits Don’t Lie, Songs 2008-2018), Singles: Invisible, Back To Me, Bien Dentro, You + Me, Oops, Top Tracks: Back To Me, Invisible, Bien Dentro, This Is What You Make Me Do, You + Me, Biography: I’ve always seen music as a way to understand the world.
Official Website
Barcelona, Spain
80s, Electronic Pop, R&B, Alternative, Acoustic, Chill Trap, House, Dance, Indie, Indie Pop, Synth, Synthpop, Synthwave, Trap