Kris Vango has embarked on an ambitious project to sonically map our solar system. Their latest offering, “Night Gardener (Nix)”, serves as an electronic homage to Pluto’s moon, Nix, tailored for nocturnal listeners who find solace in the depths of night. The composition begins with an intensifying synth introduction, followed by the addition of intricate percussive elements that keep the pulse vibrant and evolving. As the track progresses, layers of rhythm and melodic variations weave together, creating a complex texture that shifts in harmony and intensity, leading to a dynamic, engaging auditory experience.
Vango’s vision extends beyond mere musical production; it’s an exploratory mission to document each planetary body through narrative sound and visual artistry. Merging the shamanic origins of music with the futuristic textures of club music, Kris Vango seeks to unite audiences in a shared cosmic journey. Their live performances are described as cosmic tours, blending planetary soundscapes with live instrumentation and visual art to create an immersive experience. Following releases like “Ard” (Earth) and “Mother Moon” (Moon), Vango continues to explore the solar system with upcoming soundtracks for Mars (“Ares”) and Mercury (“Messenger”), reflecting on the planets’ influence on human consciousness and mythology.
Based between Berlin and Athens, and originating from Sydney, Australia, Kris Vango brings a multifaceted background to their artistic endeavors. Their work spans graphic design, illustration, video production, and sound engineering, enriched by alternative healing practices such as Tibetan sound bowl therapies and binaural frequency healing. “Night Gardener (Nix)” is not just a musical piece; it’s a part of a larger artistic and philosophical exploration that challenges traditional metaphysical binaries and invites listeners to contemplate the deeper connections between the cosmos and human experience. Through this project, Kris Vango reimagines the mythological narratives of our planetary family, offering a contemporary perspective on the ancient stories that shape our understanding of the universe.