Today we celebrate the work and return of German beatmaker Cuthead and one of my favorite psychedelic wordsmiths – Chester Watson. “Proceed” kicks with a short, but sweet homage to classic jazzy hip hop instrumental music before Chesters swoops in with a flaw that doesn’t stop until he’s said his peace. Everything about the track is polished to the necessary level of perfection while keeping the right amount of rough around the edges. Couldn’t think of a better match for Chester’s distinctive voice and flow.
A true delight of laid-back trippy hip hop, taken from Cuthead’s Detour (Part 1) EP which drops today. To avoid overexciting everyone’s attention span, the album is spread over four parts. The release experience is accompanied by beautiful animations created in collaboration between illustrator Robert Deutsch and animator Tobias Kramer. Will certainly keep an eye on the next 3 parts.
Chester’s sophomore album fish don’t climb trees made it on our top 100 album picks for 2023, so if you’ve slept on that – catch up on some dope music.