Louisville, KY crossover thrash band Belushi Speed Ball have never been one to pass up a gimmick when it comes to releasing their music. Over the years the group have relished in putting out their songs on a variety of dead formats, from past game consoles such as the Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo, Gameboy Advance and more, to VHS & 8-track tapes. There’s also been a customized cassette in a Teddy Ruxpin doll and more.
However battle lines were drawn roughly a month ago when punk outfit Green Day announced a 30th anniversary edition of their 2x multi-platinum album, “Dookie“. For that endeavor, the highly successful punkers offered up ‘demastered’ versions of each of the album’s tracks on similarly archaic and unconventional formats. There was floppy disks, doorbells, wax cylinders and more put up for grabs. You can browse those offerings via dookiedemastered.com. Where Green Day ran afoul of the aforementioned thrash metallers came from the inclusion of both a Teddy Ruxpin doll and an 8-track tapes in that collection.
Belushi Speed Ball didn’t take kindly to having their schtick encroached upon, taking a shot back on social media at the time:
Given Belushi Speed Ball‘s apparently pioneering work at least two of those formats, the band have now set out to retaliate, by releasing a song of their own, “This Is The Peak‘, via the format of dog poop encased in resin.
That obvious nod to the “Dookie” title was thusly put up on eBay this week for auction, but was pulled soon after for violating the terms of the site (see below for the amusing reply the band claim to have received from eBay regarding the listing being pulled.) If you’re wondering how the group pulled this off, the excrement in question had a small speaker and a device to play the song attached to the encased handiwork of ‘Biscuit’.
Belushi Speed Ball‘s Vinny Castellano commented:
“After the shock of Green Day’s announcement set in. A fellow bestie, Scott Mcgovern, turned to me and said ‘Well at least they didn’t do Pizza!’ And I jokingly said, ‘We should release a song on Dookie’. And then WE MADE IT HAPPEN! We are now offering the world the first ever, Dog Poop Single. You can listen to us gush about Fantano’s thighs through a heaping smoldering chunk of Labrador Feces. Which we have forever preserved in resin. This is a 1 of 1 item from us, which we will NEVER make again.”
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[via MetalSucks]